Tasks & Lists
A better way to run your projects
The fastest and most intuitive way for your team to manage lists and tasks.
With Superlist, you can do it all: Create to-do lists, capture thoughts or detailed notes, assign tasks to teammates, and so much more. Whether you’re coordinating with a co-worker or planning an upcoming project, or just organizing your week, manage your whole life, from work to home, in Superlist.
All your tasks and notes in one place:
- Quickly and easily create organized, customisable lists.
- Take notes, brainstorm, and effortlessly transform your thoughts into todos.
- Simply create free-form projects without constraints sublists and infinite task nesting.
The fastest way to get from idea to done:
- Use "Talk" voice input for super fast, AI assisted, task creation
- Start your next project in seconds with “Make” our AI assisted list generation feature.
- Save time and convert emails and Slack messages into todos with one click.
Work better together:
- Work seamlessly with your team with real-time collaboration.
- Chat within tasks to keep conversations organized and contained.
- Share lists, tasks, and teams with coworkers to easily manage work.
Finally a tool you and your team will love to use.:
- Work seamlessly in a beautiful interface designed for real people.
- Customize your lists with cover images and emojis to make them your own.
- Give all your personal and work tasks a space to coexist.
There’s even more…:
- Use on any device
- Work both online and on the go with offline mode.
- Set reminders and get notifications across all your devices.
- Repeat tasks and create your personalized routine.
- Integrate with the tools you love like Gmail, Google Calendar, Slack, and many more.
- Add due dates by simply typing them out - no clicks needed.
Sounds great, right? Get started today FOR FREE!
Superlist can be used for free, but you can upgrade your experience and get access to additional features by purchasing a Pro subscription. A monthly or yearly purchase will be applied to your iTunes account on confirmation. Subscriptions will automatically renew unless canceled within 24-hours before the end of the current period. You can cancel anytime with your iTunes account settings. Any unused portion of a free trial will be forfeited if you purchase a subscription. For more information, see our Terms of Use ( and Privacy Policy (
在这个快节奏的时代,APP 以“简洁至上”的理念,旨在为用户提供一个精致而实用的财务管理工具,在瞬息之间掌握所有的财务信息。WeTally 不仅让记账变得轻松愉快,还能为您带来舒缓的使用体验,助您轻松成就每一笔记账。清晰的功能布局让您能够快速找到所需的选项。无论是记录开支、查看收入,还是进行财务分析,一切操作都可以在几秒钟内完成。WeTally 目标是让您将更多精力集中在生活的其他方面,而不是繁琐的记账事务上。此外,APP 使用体验也是经过精心设计的。应用的流畅性和舒适感使得每一次记账都成为一种愉悦的享受。WeTally 希望您在记账的过程中,能够感受到轻松与自在,仿佛在与一位得力的助手交流,随时获得支持与帮助。
在这个快节奏的时代,APP 以“简洁至上”的理念,旨在为用户提供一个精致而实用的财务管理工具,在瞬息之间掌握所有的财务信息。WeTally 不仅让记账变得轻松愉快,还能为您带来舒缓的使用体验,助您轻松成就每一笔记账。清晰的功能布局让您能够快速找到所需的选项。无论是记录开支、查看收入,还是进行财务分析,一切操作都可以在几秒钟内完成。WeTally 目标是让您将更多精力集中在生活的其他方面,而不是繁琐的记账事务上。此外,APP 使用体验也是经过精心设计的。应用的流畅性和舒适感使得每一次记账都成为一种愉悦的享受。WeTally 希望您在记账的过程中,能够感受到轻松与自在,仿佛在与一位得力的助手交流,随时获得支持与帮助。
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