DaMong - Diary Mongster!!
iComer Co., Ltd
Write a diary and growing up your Mongster!
From a baby to a kid, you'll see all kinds of changes.
Decorate your room with furniture that unlocks as your Mongster grows
Enjoy various mini-games and puzzles together!
It's time to grow your own friend in the diary App DaMong!
Write diary and check your monthly feelings with mood stamps
Watch your Mongster evolve as it grows!
When the growth reaches 100 percent, your room is complete!
Take photos with your favorite Mongster and share happy moments with friends
Get cool items to style your Mongster
At DaMong, mongsters are waiting for your story!
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致力于发现国内外有趣好用,可以提高效率的捷径,让你的手机变得更有趣,更好用,在“趣捷径” APP, 你能发现超多 “脑洞大开” 的优质解决方案,苹果手机要这样用才能发挥到极致哟!我超级喜欢这个 APP 的。