How We Feel

The How We Feel Project, Inc.

How We Feel

How We Feel

The How We Feel Project, Inc.

App Introduction

App 介绍

· 94个评分

How We Feel is a free app created by scientists, designers, engineers, and therapists to help people better understand their emotions and find strategies to help them navigate their emotions in the moment. Conceived in conjunction with Yale University's Center for Emotional Intelligence and based on the work of Dr Marc Brackett, How We Feel helps people find the right word to describe how they feel while tracking their sleep, exercise, and health trends using HealthKit in order to spot patterns over time.
Founded as a science-based nonprofit, How We Feel is made possible by donations from people who are passionate about bringing mental wellbeing to the widest possible audience. Our data privacy terms are clear and easy-to-understand: all of your data is kept on your device unless you opt-in to send an anonymized version of your check-ins to be used in research to help more people.
Whether you are downloading this app in order to build better relationships, make your emotions to work for you, not against you, improve how you handle stress and anxiety or simply to feel better, How We Feel will help you identify patterns through daily HealthKit tracking and find emotional regulation strategies that will work for you. The How We Feel friends feature allows you to share how you feel with the people you trust most in real time, strengthening your most important relationships.
Filled with step-by-step video strategies you can do in as little as one minute on themes like "Change Your Thinking" to help you address negative thought patterns with cognitive strategies; "Move Your Body" to express and release emotions through movement strategies;"Be Mindful" to gain perspective and minimize the negative impact of misunderstood emotions with mindfulness strategies; "Reach Out" to build intimacy and trust, two important tools for emotional wellbeing, with social strategies.


Selected Solutions





AI 简历生成、简历润色和 AI 模拟面试等功能,可根据指定的求职岗位,一键快速生成高匹配的简历内容,提供海量免费简历模板。AI 会自动完成简历排版优化,根据简历模拟一对一面试,提升面试技巧,轻松获取最佳 Offer。


致力于发现国内外有趣好用,可以提高效率的捷径,让你的手机变得更有趣,更好用,在“趣捷径” APP, 你能发现超多 “脑洞大开” 的优质解决方案,苹果手机要这样用才能发挥到极致哟!我超级喜欢这个 APP 的。

How We Feel
The How We Feel Project, Inc.


· 94个评分
How We Feel is a free app created by scientists, designers, engineers, and therapists to help people better understand their emotions and find strategies to help them navigate their emotions in the moment. Conceived in conjunction with Yale University's Center for Emotional Intelligence and based on the work of Dr Marc Brackett, How We Feel helps people find the right word to describe how they feel while tracking their sleep, exercise, and health trends using HealthKit in order to spot patterns over time.
Founded as a science-based nonprofit, How We Feel is made possible by donations from people who are passionate about bringing mental wellbeing to the widest possible audience. Our data privacy terms are clear and easy-to-understand: all of your data is kept on your device unless you opt-in to send an anonymized version of your check-ins to be used in research to help more people.
Whether you are downloading this app in order to build better relationships, make your emotions to work for you, not against you, improve how you handle stress and anxiety or simply to feel better, How We Feel will help you identify patterns through daily HealthKit tracking and find emotional regulation strategies that will work for you. The How We Feel friends feature allows you to share how you feel with the people you trust most in real time, strengthening your most important relationships.
Filled with step-by-step video strategies you can do in as little as one minute on themes like "Change Your Thinking" to help you address negative thought patterns with cognitive strategies; "Move Your Body" to express and release emotions through movement strategies;"Be Mindful" to gain perspective and minimize the negative impact of misunderstood emotions with mindfulness strategies; "Reach Out" to build intimacy and trust, two important tools for emotional wellbeing, with social strategies.



AI 简历生成、简历润色和 AI 模拟面试等功能,可根据指定的求职岗位,一键快速生成高匹配的简历内容,提供海量免费简历模板。AI 会自动完成简历排版优化,根据简历模拟一对一面试,提升面试技巧,轻松获取最佳 Offer。


致力于发现国内外有趣好用,可以提高效率的捷径,让你的手机变得更有趣,更好用,在“趣捷径” APP, 你能发现超多 “脑洞大开” 的优质解决方案,苹果手机要这样用才能发挥到极致哟!我超级喜欢这个 APP 的。

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