Tana Capture
Tana Labs, Inc
Key Features:
Seamless Text Capturing
Jot down ideas, notes, or tasks on the go with Tana Capture's intuitive and user-friendly interface. Stay organized and never miss a vital piece of information again.
Talk and transcribe
Record voice memos, interviews, or meetings quickly and effortlessly. Tana Capture ensures that you can recall spoken information with the tap of a button.
Share to Tana
Share media and links super-fast, from all over the web.
Snap and Send
Take pictures or record videos and instantly send them to your inbox in your workspace. Document your progress or capture inspirational moments right at your fingertips.
Scan with Precision
Transform any physical document, business card, or receipt into a digital format with Tana Capture's powerful text-scanning capabilities. Eliminate paper clutter and efficiently store all your documents in one secure location.
Oh, and did we mention locked screen widgets and quick action?
Download Tana Capture now and experience the future of capture at your fingertips!
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