BeforeSunset AI: Daily planner
Brev Bilisim Limited Sirketi
The BeforeSunset AI Mobile App is designed to seamlessly integrate into your daily routine, offering a convenient and accessible solution for efficient planning and productivity. Here's a breakdown of its functionalities:
1. Mobile To-Do Creation:
- Quickly create tasks on your mobile device, ensuring you capture important items on the go.
2. Sync with the Web App:
- View and manage your existing to-dos from the web app directly on your mobile device, maintaining continuity across platforms.
Upcoming Features
1. Calendar Integration:
- Sync your mobile calendar to coordinate tasks with events and appointments, facilitating a cohesive and well-planned schedule.
2. Focus Mode:
- Utilize the Focus Mode feature to minimize distractions and stay focused, whether you're in transit or working remotely.
3. Prioritization Tag:
- You can use prioritization tags to differentiate each task and its urgency.
4. Stay Connected with Teams:
- If you're using the team version, stay informed about your team's progress, projects, and availability, even when you're away from your desk.
5. Recurring to-dos:
- For the to-dos you have to complete regularly and the events that are recurring, you can use our recurring to-do by choosing between daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.
6. Analytics On-the-Go:
- Access your personal analytics and insights anytime, helping you understand your productivity patterns and make informed decisions.
7. Weekly Planning:
- By having a weekly planning view, you can easily plan your whole week from your mobile device.
The BeforeSunset AI Mobile App empowers you to stay organized, focused, and in control of your day, providing a flexible solution that aligns with your dynamic lifestyle.
ProKnockOut 是一款强大的图像处理工具,以智能抠图为核心,集成了图片合成、人像美容、照片编辑、消除笔等功能,轻松满足您的各种图片编辑需求。一键智能抠图,轻松应对多数场景,复杂图片也不怕,辅以画笔、套索等工具,专业级抠图效果即刻呈现。内置100+滤镜,从现代艺术到卡通模糊,创意无限。图像合成功能强大,多图无缝拼接,打造惊艳效果。海量精美贴纸与背景,激发无限创意,旅行照片也能玩出新花样。完全支持透明PNG格式,导入导出随心所欲。此外,它还配备了全面的照片编辑器,调整、修复、美化,一应俱全,让您的照片焕发新生。ProKnockOut,图像处理的不二之选。
这是一款全新体验的待办清单APP,具有卡通有趣的界面,简单方便的操作流程,可对每个待办事项设置子待办事项。<br />卡通有趣的主题风格,广受年轻人喜爱。<br /><br />---主要功能---<br />1. 添加待办事项,可设置目标日期和优先级,主界面有醒目提醒<br />2. 支持设置提醒日期,可按每年,每月,每周,每日进行重复提醒<br />3. 主待办事项下可以添加10个子待办事项<br />4. 左滑事项显示操作按钮,右滑事项可快速标记为“完成”,简单快捷<br />5. 查看子待办事项,手指滑动屏幕,卡片会有3D效果<br />6. 有多种主题供选择<br />7. 支持添加桌面小组件<br />
ProKnockOut 是一款强大的图像处理工具,以智能抠图为核心,集成了图片合成、人像美容、照片编辑、消除笔等功能,轻松满足您的各种图片编辑需求。一键智能抠图,轻松应对多数场景,复杂图片也不怕,辅以画笔、套索等工具,专业级抠图效果即刻呈现。内置100+滤镜,从现代艺术到卡通模糊,创意无限。图像合成功能强大,多图无缝拼接,打造惊艳效果。海量精美贴纸与背景,激发无限创意,旅行照片也能玩出新花样。完全支持透明PNG格式,导入导出随心所欲。此外,它还配备了全面的照片编辑器,调整、修复、美化,一应俱全,让您的照片焕发新生。ProKnockOut,图像处理的不二之选。
这是一款全新体验的待办清单APP,具有卡通有趣的界面,简单方便的操作流程,可对每个待办事项设置子待办事项。<br />卡通有趣的主题风格,广受年轻人喜爱。<br /><br />---主要功能---<br />1. 添加待办事项,可设置目标日期和优先级,主界面有醒目提醒<br />2. 支持设置提醒日期,可按每年,每月,每周,每日进行重复提醒<br />3. 主待办事项下可以添加10个子待办事项<br />4. 左滑事项显示操作按钮,右滑事项可快速标记为“完成”,简单快捷<br />5. 查看子待办事项,手指滑动屏幕,卡片会有3D效果<br />6. 有多种主题供选择<br />7. 支持添加桌面小组件<br />
秘塔AI搜索是一款“没有广告,直达结果”的AI搜索工具,让搜索回归本质,给您新的搜索体验! 在需要整理、总结、归纳的问题上表现尤为优秀,能够满足生活、学习、工作等各种场景的搜索需求!全平台均可免费使用!