Timestripe: goal manager
Anatoly Burov
Expand your planning horizons
Timestripe is a unique planner with flexible time frames. Planning your daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and lifetime goals allows you to think strategically, have a clear vision, and focus on things that are really important to you. We call this planning system Horizons.
Achieve more with step-by-step guides
Big goals require a good plan, consisting of small, measurable and clear objectives. Timestripe helps you achieve your dreams with step-by-step educational programs for all kinds of goals. Fitness and health, finance and career, relationships and awareness.
Organize your life with skill
Organize endless lists of tasks, ideas, plans, movies to watch, books to read, anything you want to organize into an endless number of boards. Use a wide range of templates from our community to speed up your train of thought
Share your best practices with others
Create your own productivity templates, favourite movie lists, or share your bucket list with the world.
And other beautifully crafted experience
· Dark mode support
· Color labels
· Rich Text notes for your goals (subgoals, links, quotes, headlines and more)
· Hashtags
· Link goals between boards and calendar
Users love Timestripe
More than 70,000 people used Timestripe to change their lives for the better
iF design awards 2018
Product Hunt #4 product of the week, December 2020
星清单,一款简洁强大的个人任务管理神器,已支持iOS、macOS、iPadOS,标配数据同步权益。 ·一页纸任务管理法:直观方便、更新实时、任务不堆积; ·空格设置日期:支持单日、重复多日、重复多次、提醒、时间段五大日期格式; ·联动专注计时器:与任务紧密结合,提升效率,训练专注力! App Store 搜索“要事先行”、“星清单”、“StarList”下载,享14+2*7天全功能免费权益…
星清单,一款简洁强大的个人任务管理神器,已支持iOS、macOS、iPadOS,标配数据同步权益。 ·一页纸任务管理法:直观方便、更新实时、任务不堆积; ·空格设置日期:支持单日、重复多日、重复多次、提醒、时间段五大日期格式; ·联动专注计时器:与任务紧密结合,提升效率,训练专注力! App Store 搜索“要事先行”、“星清单”、“StarList”下载,享14+2*7天全功能免费权益…
这一款“会说话”的提醒软件,它在 AppStore 里的名字很直白,就叫做“语音通知”!因为它的核心功能就是——用各种个性化的语言,如一个真人在用户耳边做口头提醒:“谁谁谁,你该干什么了!
一个 App = 汉语大词典 + 国语辞典 + 成语词典 + 康熙字典 + 说文解字 + 六书通 + 字源 + 大量佛学辞典等等。内置丰富编码查字,部件 + 五笔 + 拼音 + 笔顺 + 仓颉,能查 7W+ 的汉字,几乎囊括所有的汉字。还有各种通俗易懂的国学入门教程:三字经讲记、千字文讲记、细讲弟子规视频、甲骨文字与六书等等。 不论你是刚升入小学的孩童,还是已经在深入研究古文字的专业人员,均可在此 App 中受益匪浅。