



App Introduction

App 介绍

Purelist is a thought organizer for those who are serious about their work or studies. Purelist prioritizes your focus on what's important, not adding extra features or decorations to get your attention. If you are looking for a motivational tool, Purelist may not be for you. However, if you need something simple to help you achieve your goals, it may be perfect for you.
Purelist can be used for daily planning, task management, and note taking. It's helpful for habit checklists, lecture notes, and shopping lists. Its clean interface won't steal your time. There are no ads, and it doesn't collect your data.
Purelist has no checkboxes in the list and is completed by swiping, so it can be used for both task management and idea capture. The star icon indicates the urgency of tasks or the importance of ideas. Purelist is designed to do more with less, so you don't get confused and lose the features you need.
Use Purelist to increase your productivity!
Key Features:
• Sort tasks and items freely.
• Show your list on your home screen at any time with the widget.
• Mark important items to mark them more prominently.
• Use indentation for easier writing and reading outlines.
• No need to title your lists and tasks.
• Easily search by item.
• Smooth completion and deletion as you work with each item.
• Add descriptions to items to manage items in detail.
For Pro:
• Sync lists between your iPhone, iPad, and Mac via iCloud.
• Set reminders for tasks and items.
• View and manage reminders by date.
• Quickly set reminders using date presets.
• Send system notifications at set times.
• Can repeat reminders on a daily, weekly, monthly, or annually schedule.
• The list can be divided into groups to organize the list in more detail.
• Subgroups can be added to a group.


Selected Solutions



在这个快节奏的时代,APP 以“简洁至上”的理念,旨在为用户提供一个精致而实用的财务管理工具,在瞬息之间掌握所有的财务信息。WeTally 不仅让记账变得轻松愉快,还能为您带来舒缓的使用体验,助您轻松成就每一笔记账。清晰的功能布局让您能够快速找到所需的选项。无论是记录开支、查看收入,还是进行财务分析,一切操作都可以在几秒钟内完成。WeTally 目标是让您将更多精力集中在生活的其他方面,而不是繁琐的记账事务上。此外,APP 使用体验也是经过精心设计的。应用的流畅性和舒适感使得每一次记账都成为一种愉悦的享受。WeTally 希望您在记账的过程中,能够感受到轻松与自在,仿佛在与一位得力的助手交流,随时获得支持与帮助。


Mo✖️浙大出品 AI 精品通识课正式上线!只需5步摆脱 AI 小白,初识-体验-学习-实战,玩转 AI|卡牌盲盒每日翻,AI 基础/变现/工具教学三连击!早八地铁刷几张,下班变身赛博达人|换脸不用等整容,海报秒变设计师!内置 n+AI 魔法镜,今日穿搭/壁纸/表情包三分钟搞定|DeepSeek 登顶Top 1?GPT-5 偷跑?吃瓜特工队每日放送科技圈甄嬛传|AI 绘画争霸赛,万元奖金池,菜鸟逆袭区,参赛即送现金红包!





Task Management
Purelist is a thought organizer for those who are serious about their work or studies. Purelist prioritizes your focus on what's important, not adding extra features or decorations to get your attention. If you are looking for a motivational tool, Purelist may not be for you. However, if you need something simple to help you achieve your goals, it may be perfect for you.
Purelist can be used for daily planning, task management, and note taking. It's helpful for habit checklists, lecture notes, and shopping lists. Its clean interface won't steal your time. There are no ads, and it doesn't collect your data.
Purelist has no checkboxes in the list and is completed by swiping, so it can be used for both task management and idea capture. The star icon indicates the urgency of tasks or the importance of ideas. Purelist is designed to do more with less, so you don't get confused and lose the features you need.
Use Purelist to increase your productivity!
Key Features:
• Sort tasks and items freely.
• Show your list on your home screen at any time with the widget.
• Mark important items to mark them more prominently.
• Use indentation for easier writing and reading outlines.
• No need to title your lists and tasks.
• Easily search by item.
• Smooth completion and deletion as you work with each item.
• Add descriptions to items to manage items in detail.
For Pro:
• Sync lists between your iPhone, iPad, and Mac via iCloud.
• Set reminders for tasks and items.
• View and manage reminders by date.
• Quickly set reminders using date presets.
• Send system notifications at set times.
• Can repeat reminders on a daily, weekly, monthly, or annually schedule.
• The list can be divided into groups to organize the list in more detail.
• Subgroups can be added to a group.

在这个快节奏的时代,APP 以“简洁至上”的理念,旨在为用户提供一个精致而实用的财务管理工具,在瞬息之间掌握所有的财务信息。WeTally 不仅让记账变得轻松愉快,还能为您带来舒缓的使用体验,助您轻松成就每一笔记账。清晰的功能布局让您能够快速找到所需的选项。无论是记录开支、查看收入,还是进行财务分析,一切操作都可以在几秒钟内完成。WeTally 目标是让您将更多精力集中在生活的其他方面,而不是繁琐的记账事务上。此外,APP 使用体验也是经过精心设计的。应用的流畅性和舒适感使得每一次记账都成为一种愉悦的享受。WeTally 希望您在记账的过程中,能够感受到轻松与自在,仿佛在与一位得力的助手交流,随时获得支持与帮助。


Mo✖️浙大出品 AI 精品通识课正式上线!只需5步摆脱 AI 小白,初识-体验-学习-实战,玩转 AI|卡牌盲盒每日翻,AI 基础/变现/工具教学三连击!早八地铁刷几张,下班变身赛博达人|换脸不用等整容,海报秒变设计师!内置 n+AI 魔法镜,今日穿搭/壁纸/表情包三分钟搞定|DeepSeek 登顶Top 1?GPT-5 偷跑?吃瓜特工队每日放送科技圈甄嬛传|AI 绘画争霸赛,万元奖金池,菜鸟逆袭区,参赛即送现金红包!



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