SLEEP by Max Richter
Bedtime Rest & Relax Melodies
Max Richter's award-winning composition re-imagined to help you sleep, meditate and focus.
SLEEP is renowned composer Max Richter's dedication to our daily ritual of sleep. Composed in consultation with sleep experts, SLEEP is a musical tour de force that enamored global audiences and saw more than half-billion digital streams.
For the first time ever, exclusive new sequences of SLEEP are now introduced via a fully customizable app experience. Curated musical selections from the SLEEP album will help you sleep, meditate and focus.
“The way that the app allows listeners to make a unique and personal journey through the landscape of SLEEP is remarkable and conveys the spirit of the music in a completely new way.”
Max Richter
SLEEP is free. There are no in-app purchases and all you need is a premium account on Apple Music or Spotify.
- FALL ASLEEP: A groundbreaking composition written in consultation with sleep experts to help you sleep
- WAKE UP: Start your days gently with exclusive sounds from Max Richter that can only be found in this app
- MEDITATE: Dive into immersive music and animations to relax your mind, body and soul
- FOCUS: Blend out every day life’s noises and sharpen your focus
- YOUR OWN JOURNAL: Reflect, take notes and track your well-being
- EXPAND YOUR SPACE: Collect experience and progress to unlock further planets
- FREE FOR ALL: All features are completely free with either an Apple Music or a Spotify premium account
- APPLE WATCH: For Apple Watch, the SLEEP app measures your heartbeat and will adjust the music programming to approximate the rhythm of your heart
Let the music of SLEEP guide you into your best slumber, relax your mind and gently wake you up into each brand-new day.
Note on Apple Watch and HealthKit: an Apple Watch is required to use the HealthKit features of the SLEEP app. You can choose to grant or deny permission from the SLEEP Watch app to access your heartbeat. If granted permission, the app will try to sync the music programming to be close to your heart rate. Your data is stored locally on the device and is deleted when you delete the app. The SLEEP app uses HealthKit and integrates with the Health app in this manner.
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