Money manager and tracker
Meow Money Manager with cute cats for your personal asset management. Meow Money Manager is an expense tracker to record your financial expenditure and income activities. Meow Money Manager do not save any the information of users, protecting your privacy. It‘s beautiful and cute design makes it lightweight, straightforward and very easy to use.
Features of Meow Money Manager - complete guide:
Cute icons
200+ cute icons for you to custom your own money manager.Meow Money manager has various record type, including food, bills, transportation, car, entertainment, shopping, clothing, insurance, tax, telephone, smoke, health, pet, beauty, vegetables, education, salary, awards, sale, refunds, investments, dividends etc.
Expense Tracker & Budget
Record daily expenses and income activities. Calculating the difference / balance.
Instant and powerful statistics
Reports of financial recording activities per day, monthly, weekly and yearly to make it easier for users to monitor their finances. Based on the record entered, you can instantly see your expense by category and changes between each month. And you can see the change of your assets and income/expense indicated by a graph as well.
Export reports
Export reports in the form of CSV.
Pie chart
Pie chart features make it easy for users to view reports.
Backup & Restore
Meow Money manager support Google Drive backup and WebDav backup, the backup files will be auto saved when you add the records, and you can also backup files manually.
Asset Management
You can create your asset accounts, such as cash, bank card, funding, stock etc. and tracker the asset account's modify record, transfer record and order record.
Dark Mode
You can choose the dark theme or light theme as you like. Both modes are very beautiful.
Currency Symbol
Meow Money manager support different currency symbols, including: Dollar, RMB, Pound, Euro, Franc, Rouble, Rupee, Lira.
Fingerprint app lock
You can setup fingerprint app lock to protect your privacy, it need to enter fingerprint when open app.
Auto-Renewal of Meow Money Manager VIP instructions
- Membership benefits: Meow money manager members have unlimited access to all functions and all the subsequent new functions
- Subscription cycle: 1 month (monthly subscription), 1 year (annual subscription)
- Subscription price: A monthly subscription is 0.99 $, and an annual subscription is 9.99$
- Payment: After the user confirms the purchase and makes the payment, the account is credited to iTunes
- Unsubscribe: If you cancel, manually turn off the automatic renewal feature in the iTunes/Apple ID Settings management 24 hours prior to the expiration of the current subscription cycle
- Auto-Renewal: Apple's iTunes account will deduct a fee within 24 hours before the expiration date, and the subscription cycle will be extended by one after the deduction is successful
- Terms of Use:
- Privacy Policy:
So, what are you waiting for? Download the Meow Money Money(Expense Tracker & Budget) right now and start managing, tracking, your expenses and income!
试试双拼是 App Store 上第一款双拼输入法练习软件,通过这个软件你能方便的学习双拼规则,练习双拼键位,最终达到熟练使用双拼输入法提高打字速度与准确度的目的。iOS11开始苹果也加入了对双拼输入法的原生支持,现在你在系统键盘中就能开启双拼打字模式。<br/># 双拼输入法<br/>双拼输入法是一种高效的汉字输入方法,它可以让你用两个按键就打出一个汉字,大大提高了输入速度和准确率。双拼输入法有多种方案可供选择,比如小鹤双拼、微软双拼、搜狗双拼等。你可以根据自己的习惯和喜好,选择适合自己的方案,或者自定义方案。双拼输入法不仅适合专业人士和高频用户,也适合普通用户和初学者。只要花一点时间练习,就可以掌握双拼输入法的技巧和规律。如果你想提升你的汉字输入水平,那就赶快试试双拼输入法吧!<br/># 开发故事<br/>事情是从两年前我刚接触双拼输入法开始的,当时发现并没有一款软件来帮助初学者入门双拼,双拼作为一种在难度与速度上平衡很好的输入法,感觉不太被人知道很可惜,它应该被更多人知道被更多人使用,在这种背景下开发一款专门的双拼练习软件的想法的种子就种下了,再到后来学习了苹果全新高效的UI开发框架SwiftUI,用了两个周末的时间完成了试试双拼的第一个MVP并上架App Store。<br/>上架之后收到了很多用户的建议反馈,看到这个小小的软件能帮助越来越多的朋友了解双拼、入门双拼到完全使用双拼打字交流,我很开心。<br/># 后续<br/>目前软件还在迭代中,后续会加入如下功能:<br/>1. 文章练习<br/>2. 双拼打字小游戏<br/>3. 打字测速<br/>4. 自定义双拼方案<br/>对双拼感兴趣的朋友不如现在就开始下载试试吧 ~<br/># 双拼爱好者交流群<br/>QQ群: 881569373<br/>Telegram: https://t.me/ulpbApp<br/><br/>【会员自动订阅说明】<br/>成为会员后,可以无限制使用App所有功能,享受未来的免费更新. <br/>确认购买后,将向您的 iTunes 账户收款。购买连续包月或包周项目,除非您在当前计费周期结束前至少24小时取消订单,否则项目会自动续订,您的账户将在当前计费周期结束前24小时内收取续订费用。您可在App Store的账户设置中取消订阅。<br/>你可通过下述途径取消已开通的连续包年服务:<br/>苹果手机在 iOS 设备“设置” → “iTunes Store 与 App Store” → 选择“Apple ID” → 点击“查看 Apple ID” → 在账户设置页面点击“订阅” → 取消订阅。<br/><br/>【会员服务协议】<br/>https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/dev/stdeula/<br/>【隐私协议】<br/>https://pages.flycricket.io/shi-shi-shuang-pin/privacy.html
试试双拼是 App Store 上第一款双拼输入法练习软件,通过这个软件你能方便的学习双拼规则,练习双拼键位,最终达到熟练使用双拼输入法提高打字速度与准确度的目的。iOS11开始苹果也加入了对双拼输入法的原生支持,现在你在系统键盘中就能开启双拼打字模式。<br/># 双拼输入法<br/>双拼输入法是一种高效的汉字输入方法,它可以让你用两个按键就打出一个汉字,大大提高了输入速度和准确率。双拼输入法有多种方案可供选择,比如小鹤双拼、微软双拼、搜狗双拼等。你可以根据自己的习惯和喜好,选择适合自己的方案,或者自定义方案。双拼输入法不仅适合专业人士和高频用户,也适合普通用户和初学者。只要花一点时间练习,就可以掌握双拼输入法的技巧和规律。如果你想提升你的汉字输入水平,那就赶快试试双拼输入法吧!<br/># 开发故事<br/>事情是从两年前我刚接触双拼输入法开始的,当时发现并没有一款软件来帮助初学者入门双拼,双拼作为一种在难度与速度上平衡很好的输入法,感觉不太被人知道很可惜,它应该被更多人知道被更多人使用,在这种背景下开发一款专门的双拼练习软件的想法的种子就种下了,再到后来学习了苹果全新高效的UI开发框架SwiftUI,用了两个周末的时间完成了试试双拼的第一个MVP并上架App Store。<br/>上架之后收到了很多用户的建议反馈,看到这个小小的软件能帮助越来越多的朋友了解双拼、入门双拼到完全使用双拼打字交流,我很开心。<br/># 后续<br/>目前软件还在迭代中,后续会加入如下功能:<br/>1. 文章练习<br/>2. 双拼打字小游戏<br/>3. 打字测速<br/>4. 自定义双拼方案<br/>对双拼感兴趣的朋友不如现在就开始下载试试吧 ~<br/># 双拼爱好者交流群<br/>QQ群: 881569373<br/>Telegram: https://t.me/ulpbApp<br/><br/>【会员自动订阅说明】<br/>成为会员后,可以无限制使用App所有功能,享受未来的免费更新. <br/>确认购买后,将向您的 iTunes 账户收款。购买连续包月或包周项目,除非您在当前计费周期结束前至少24小时取消订单,否则项目会自动续订,您的账户将在当前计费周期结束前24小时内收取续订费用。您可在App Store的账户设置中取消订阅。<br/>你可通过下述途径取消已开通的连续包年服务:<br/>苹果手机在 iOS 设备“设置” → “iTunes Store 与 App Store” → 选择“Apple ID” → 点击“查看 Apple ID” → 在账户设置页面点击“订阅” → 取消订阅。<br/><br/>【会员服务协议】<br/>https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/dev/stdeula/<br/>【隐私协议】<br/>https://pages.flycricket.io/shi-shi-shuang-pin/privacy.html
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